Vocational Evaluation

A vocational evaluation details the current and future employability and wage-earning capacity of an individual. In determining earning capacity, a client's skills and abilities, strengths and challenges, and the current labor market are all taken into consideration. In California, vocational evaluations may be ordered by the court, requested by one party, or agreed to by both parties. An assessment can provide critical insight in divorce cases and help the parties reach a settlement agreement about support.

Vocational Evaluation FAQs

What are some instances when a vocational evaluation may be required?

  • One party has had a long career break or has never been employed outside of the home.

  • A spouse has either experienced a job loss, is working part-time , or has had decreased revenue from their business.

  • A person is employed but may not be earning to their potential.

  • The divorce process was completed years ago, but now one party has had a change of circumstance with regards to employment.

What can I expect if I am going through an evaluation?

You will have 2-3 interviews with the expert.

In the first interview

  • The expert will explain the law and the process.

  • You will have a chance to explain your educational and professional history. You will also have the opportunity to share any concerns about your health or other limitations.

  • The expert will review a list of documents she may need from you to complete the evaluation including your resume/CV and past earnings history.

  • In certain cases, you may be asked to complete a vocational inventory which will guide a conversation about possible career paths.

In the 2nd interview

  • The expert will review all the information received to ensure accuracy.

  • Discuss the results of the vocational inventories.

  • Explore career possibilities and education options.

  • Ask follow up questions to obtain all information to complete the report.

In the 3rd interview

  • The expert will review report recommendations with you.

What is the law in California regarding spousal support and vocational assessments?

For more information, click here.

Please contact us for a complimentary consultation and rate information.

Contact Us

Soma McCandless Vocational Consulting

1030 E. El Camino Real, #405, Sunnyvale, CA 94087

Email: info@somamccandless.net | Phone: 408-412-1307